In Florida, there can be many certifications and licenses available. How do you know your painter is properly insured and licensed?
There are 2 easy steps!
First, check for these two insurances that are a MUST to operate legally: General Liability and Workman’s Compensation Insurances.
Second, check for these certificates of competency: county or city. Charlotte County requires certificate of competency’s from each city whereas Sarasota County offers one county license and city licenses are not needed.
We operate in Charlotte County and Sarasota County. Therefore, we hold the Sarasota County Certificate of Competency. In Charlotte County, we hold city certifications: a North Port and Punta Gorda Certificate of Competency.
It can seem confusing, but it is worth the extra effort to understand and be sure if your painter is operating within the law. Having these two steps covered, you can rest assured you’re in good hands with your painter!