On May 11th of this year, the Burnett 1-800-PAINTING team was Painting It Forward to a Venice, Florida mom who was so excited to have her home painted.

Here are some before pictures:

Burnett 1-800-PAINTING Paints It Forward for Mother's Day 2Burnett 1-800-PAINTING Paints It Forward for Mother's Day













And some after shots:

Burnett 1-800-PAINTING Paints It Forward for Mother's Day After 2

Burnett 1-800-PAINTING Paints It Forward for Mother's Day After

And the crew!

Paint It Forward Crew

We all had such a great time and we managed to add an additional helper…and we cleaned him all up!

Paint It Forward Helper

No froggy painter left behind!

Another job well, done, crew! Thank you for volunteering your time! Paint was Benjamin Moore provided by Burnett 1-800-PAINTING.