Cost of quality- the price is the tip of the ice burg.

Cost of quality- the price is the tip of the ice burg. What you don't see is your protection and peace of mind with a quality painter using long lasting paint.

Want to save thousands of dollars? We want you to, also! When you’re looking for an exterior painter in Venice, Florida, it can be easy to focus on who is offering the cheapest price. However, when you really want to save thousands, it won’t be by hiring the painter who’s charging the lowest price. Unlike popular belief, you may save a couple hundred today, but you’ll spend thousands more in as little as 3 years from now. To really compare painting companies, compare price and quality; you’ll want to see what you’re really getting for the total price.


Let’s start with the quotes, aka: estimates. You’ll want to have 3 to 4 painters come out and give you an estimate. Make sure to get the quote in writing before they leave, too. Many will even offer to email it directly to you before they leave as well as leave you with the hard copy. This paperwork ensures that you have some sort of legally binding agreement that says they will provide you with what they said they will.


Every Florida painter has their own way of providing quotes. Some will ask you a few questions over the phone and give you a quote while others will charge you hourly. The more professional ones will visit your home, do some measuring and walking around, discuss the options with you and then provide you with a quote. The latter is what you want to get with all of your painter quotes and you won’t want to settle for less.


Next, let’s talk license and insurance. It does cost more to hire a licensed and insured painter, but the money is well invested: the paint lasts longer, they give warranties, and their work (and/or accidents) are covered and don’t leave you unprotected. There are many stories we hear around southwest Florida from not hiring a licensed and insured craftsman.


cost to paint homeNow, let’s discuss your quality and your peace of mind. Some of the cheaper Venice painters are cheap for a reason. One, they are not licensed nor insured – which means that you might not be getting the quality that you want and you won’t be protected should an accident occur. Two, it’s because they’re using cheap paint – which could prove to be disastrous for your home and pocketbook down the road. Three, they might not be guaranteeing their work.


You need to look for a guarantee from your Florida painter, no matter what they are charging you. If you don’t get a warranty to act as your guarantee, the paint could fade, chip, or peel and you’ll be the one paying for those problems in six months, a year, or even three years. This means that your less expensive exterior painting is actually very expensive as you’ll need to repaint very early (3 times more often) compared to a nine year warranty.


When painting, think long term. How often do you want to paint and what will that cost? You can get a beautiful home guaranteed for 9 years when hiring a professional, licensed, insured, and warranted Venice, Florida painter. There are many cheap painters, but one must weigh the estimates side by side and see what you’re really getting for the price. By knowing what to look for from a painter, you can ensure that you get a good price, have your standards met, and your money protected, too. Happy painting!