When hiring a painter, you will want to get at least 3 estimates or quotes. This will give you enough information to compare rates and see what you’re getting from each of the painters. But how do you know if you are comparing apples to apples with the final price each gives?
First, it is important to get the quotes in writing so that you and the painter are on the same page with what scope of work will be done (aka: what will and what will not be included in the final price). No one wants to have surprises at the end of the project! A great painting company can offer you a warranty in writing, also.
Second, look for a painting company that walks around your house and asks you questions in order to properly give you a quote. This will ensure that you’re actually getting a customized quote, not a ball-park figure, and no surface you want painted will be missed.
Next, focus on what you’re getting with the price that is being quoted to you. Does it include paint? How many colors? Some painters in Venice, Florida will quote you for labor only if you supply the paint. Which surfaces does it include? Are all the areas you want painted, noted so there are no surprises? How many coats of paint? (This is a big question most people forget to ask when comparing prices.) Is there a warranty? How long? How long with the project take? Will you be charged more if they go over time?
A warranty can ultimately make or break the quote for exterior painting. Venice, Florida painters should issue a warranty based upon their workmanship as well as the quality of paint. Even nine years, with Burnett 1-800-PAINTING, is their typically warranty. The longer the warranty, the better shape you’ll be in because it will mean that you don’t have to paint your house again until the warranty runs out.
Finally, have fun! Choosing a painter in Venice, Florida or any of the surrounding can be a fun task when you like the company you’ve chosen and they are a fun company to hire. Why not set your expectations high? Look for a company you’d enjoy working with and enjoy referring your friends to. You owe it to yourself to have fun with this project!
Without comparing quotes completely, you’ll only know if you’re paying the highest or lowest price out there, not if you’re getting the best value. Getting a warranty on the work and getting an estimate will ensure that you not only get a great looking color scheme, but will save money in the long run. Comparing quotes from different painters by using more than just the cost, you’ll know you’re getting the best value your money can buy. Doesn’t that feel great?!