Happy New Year!!
Phew! Did you do it? Did you accomplish your goals for 2011? What do you want in the new year financially? Physically? Relationship-wise? Family-wise? Spiritually? Socially? Mentally? Let’s make some goals for 2012!
We have a goal to continue to give to Pregnancy Solutions this year. Did you know that you are a part of that? With every job, 10% of the sale goes to Pregnancy Solutions.
So, what is Pregnancy Solutions? Great question! Pregnancy Solutions is a non-profit, volunteer based organization that helps women with unplanned pregnancies. They offer free hospital grade pregnancy tests, ultra sound services, counseling, baby clothes, baby items, vitamins, toiletries, diapers, and, most importantly, unconditional love to expectant mothers and their significant others. Not to mention the classes they offer on everything from pregnancy, delivery, caring for newborns, to renting an apartment and balancing a checkbook!
They see about 15 NEW clients each month. Many pregnant women who feel alone and scared are helped, cared for, and unconditionally loved. When considering options, 9 out of 10 women who see their baby in an ultrasound will choose life for that baby! How amazing!
So, THANK you in advance for helping us, help those who cannot help themselves-no matter what age. 🙂