Burnett Painting explains cost of painting home

Cost of repainting home is not quantum mechanics

With Burnett Painting, the cost of repainting your home is not quantum mechanics, thankfully!

We’ll look at Quantum Mechanics later, but for now…When you are looking for Venice, Florida painters, it’s important to establish how much the painting of the exterior of your home will actually cost. Just like with a set of golf clubs or going to the hair salon, there is a range of pricing that will provide you with what you need. There are variables to consider and prices that go along with each of those variables.


There are three main variables to contend with when you are looking for the exterior of your home to be painted. This includes:


1.            The texture of your home: Stucco can vary significantly and will therefore play a very important role in how much your painting contractor will charge you. The simple “scratch coat” stucco is flat with a sandy finish while there are also Synthetic stucco finishes that tend to drink more paint. Based upon what you have, it will affect the price that you pay in the end – just as you would pay differently at the hair salon based upon how long your hair is.




2.            The height of your home: In Florida homes, this will range from 8 feet, 10 feet and potentially even 14 feet. If you have a second floor, this will cost more. Since there are very few 3-story homes in Florida, you typically don’t have to worry about this.




3.            Accessibility of your home: this is based upon various levels that deal with just how accessible your home is to the Venice painters. Level 1 means it is very accessible, which means no bushes, pipes, rails, shutters or AC units to deal with. Level 2 is categorized as having some bushes. Level 3 has bushes, AC units, pipes and shutters. Level 4 is rare, which is very difficult accessibility due to uneven ground or even the need to use a lift to get to some of the hard to reach areas.


The average home in Southwest Florida ranges from 1500 to 3,000 square feet. Homes of this size typically cost approximately $1800 to $2250 to paint externally. Depending upon the three factors, your home would either be on the lower or higher end of this range.


Other homes, such as those found in gated communities that range from 2,000 to 3,000 square feet will often cost anywhere from $2400 to $4,000 to paint. Others, such as ones that range from 3,000 to larger than 5,000 square feet will likely cost between $6,000 and $20,000 to paint accurately.


Burnett Painting has the 9 year material and labor warranty, which includes a high grade quality of paint to avoid having your home painted over and over again, which other painters could leave you with. Ultimately, when choosing a painter, you need an estimate, a warranty in writing and a certificate signed by the paint contractor and the paint manufacturer. Burnett Painting will give you all of those and leave you so thrilled with your home, you’ll want to spray paint it just to have us back!