oil based paint

When and Why to Choose Oil Based Paint Over Latex Based Paint

When and Why to Choose Oil Based Paint Over Latex Based Paint Although there are many different types of paint formats available nowadays, there are two basic types of paint that can be used in painting the interior of your home. Latex based paints are good for using on the interior walls and oil based paints    […]

Know More About Paint Selection

Know More About Paint Selection Normally, paint can be found in many types, sheens, grades of quality, brands made by different manufacturers and purposes. When you want to do some painting, you’ll have to consider the surface to be painted whether it’s a sunroom, kitchen, living room or even the ceiling. Paint can be largely    […]

How Long Does It Take For Paint To Dry & Cure?

Although the terms are often used interchangeably, drying and curing paint are not the same. It only takes hours for both latex and oil-based paints to dry, but it can take days or even weeks for paint to completely cure.