When hiring a contractor for your home, you may want to consider if they are involved in their trade association as a member. The Painting and Decorating Contractors of America (PDCA) is the trade association that we as Burnett Painting are proud to be a member.

So, what? (You may be asking) While being a member is not rocket science, there are many benefits to you, the homeowner, by hiring a member of a trade organization.

head to PDCA.org to find your painting contractor

First, trade associations hold their members accountable. Wouldn’t you like the peace of mind, should something go awry, that you have a national trade organization to go to? I do!

Second, the standards set by most trade organizations are higher than state regulations. This is true for the PDCA, as well. We quite enjoy being part of the best of the best!

Lastly, there are many educational benefits the member of PDCA can take advantage of to enhance YOUR experience, as you are the one paying for the project and their knowledge each time a check is written to your contractor. Why re-invent the wheel by flying solo and learning by the school of hard knocks? We learn from experts and those with decades more experience and this sets us apart in our field.

To make certain your experience with your painting contractor is optimal, don’t just ask if they are member. Find out for yourself by heading to the PDCA website! You may just find Steve’s photo on the homepage with his videos entitled….well, you go check it out and see what they are called!