Exterior Painting Cost

How Much Does Exterior House Painting Cost?

The painting of your home is like purchasing a set of golf clubs or getting your hair done.

There is a range of pricing from the general set, to the high-end ultra set, to the upper echelon of the autographed (by your golf hero) set! On the other hand, if considering getting your hair “done,” this can also have many different variables and prices, too!

While having many variables, we will still lay out some pricing to give you some ideas to start from.

The 3 major variables when considering the painting cost of your home are:

  • The texture of your stucco. This can range from the simple “Scratch Coat” that is flat with a sand finish, then the typical ”knock Down” texture, and then the Synthetic Stucco finish which really drinks up the paint!
  • The height of your home. This ranges from 8′. 10′, 14′ and then 2nd stories and the few 3rd story homes in Florida.
  • Accessibility. Level 1 would be complete accessibility, meaning no bushes, pipes, rails, AC units, or shutters. Level 2 has mild bushes. Level 3 has bushes, pipes, rails, AC units, and shutters. The rare Level 4 is very difficult accessibility and that could mean uneven ground or the need for a lift to get to the hard to reach areas.

1,000 to 1,500 square feet

Smaller homes in Southwest Florida 1,000 to 1,500 square feet range from $1,200-$1,800

1,500 to 2,000 square feet

1,500 to 2,000 square foot homes like these in North Port & Venice, FL range from $2,500 to $3,000

2,000 to 3,000 square feet

2,000 to 3,000 square foot homes like these homes in Punta Gorda and Venice, FL range from $2,800 to $4,000

3,000 to 5,000+ square feet

3,000 to 5,000+ square foot homes like this one near Venice Island range from $6,000 and up

9 Year Material and Labor Warranty

At Burnett Painting, we have the unheard of 9 year material and labor warranty. However, if you are not interested in the 9 year warranty, switching to lower quality paint will save you one to two hundred dollars.

Speaking of warranties, when companies tell you they offer a warranty, ask yourself (or the representative of the company):

  • Is the warranty in writing?
  • Is it a certificate signed by the company and the paint manufacturer?
  • Is your specific address printed on the certificate?
  • Is the certificate transferable to next owner, should you move?
  • Is it a NON-pro-rated warranty?
  • For Burnett Painting, the answer to all 5 questions is a resounding, “YES!”

We suggest, any time you receive an estimate and you are concerned with the price, just ask where the numbers come from. We believe in “win-win” situations. We are not interested in “win-lose” (or draw)! Let’s see, how we can come to a “win-win!” We’ll always be happy to tell you!